Corba Interoperability IIOP - Quiz Explanation

The answers you selected are indicated below, along with text that explains the correct answers.
1. IIOP is important because it ensures interoperability between _____.
  A. CORBA and COM
  B. CORBA and Web Servers
  C. Different ORBs
  D. TCP/IP and most other protocols
  The correct answer is C. IIOP only ensures interoperability between different ORBs.

2. Which of the following is not a level of CORBA's interoperability?
  A. Protocol
  B. Program
  C. Development language
  D. Operating system
  The correct answer is B. CORBA does not offer interoperability at the program level. Code written to one vendor's product will not normally run without changes on another ORB.

3. Which of the following non-object-oriented development languages have CORBA-specified IDL mappings?
  A. C
  B. Pascal
  D. All of the above
  The correct answer is A. From the list above, CORBA only allows C mapping. CORBA also allows Java, Smalltalk, Ada, and C++ mapping.

4. Which of the following statements is true about IIOP?
  A. In order to comply with the CORBA specification, an ORB vendor must support IIOP
  B. IIOP must be used by a compliant ORB internally and externally
  C. IIOP has been part of CORBA starting since the first version of the specification
  D. All of the above
  The correct answer is A. The specification requires that IIOP be used externally by a compliant ORB. Vendors are free to use whatever internal protocol. IIOP was added to CORBA in version 2.0 of the specification.