Mapping Clients  «Prev  Next»
Lesson 1

Java mapping Clients and Servers

In this module, you will deepen your understanding of the IDL-to-Java mapping by examining how IDL interfaces are mapped to Java stubs and skeletons that are used in clients and servers and how to develop these clients and servers.

Module objectives

By the end of this module, you will be able to:
  1. Describe how stubs and skeletons in Java correspond to IDL interfaces
  2. Write a CORBA server in Java
  3. Write a CORBA object implementation in Java
  4. Write a client in Java
  5. Describe the purpose and use of the narrow() method for interface helper classes

Corba Programming C++
Client and Object (Servant) communicate with the ORB interface.
Client and Object (Servant) communicate with the ORB interface.
  1. CORBA shields applications from heterogeneous platform dependencies
  2. for example: languages, operating systems, networking protocols, hardware
  3. It simplifies development of distributed applications by automating/encapsulating
    1. Object location
    2. Connection & memory mgmt.
    3. Parameter (de)marshaling
    4. Event & request demultiplexing
    5. Error handling & fault tolerance
    6. Object/server activation
    7. Concurrency
    8. Security
  4. CORBA defines interfaces, not implementations

In the next lesson, we will review the structure and components of the CORBA programming model.