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Sequences Interface Weather Service

1) The IDL interface using bounded and unbounded sequences is mapped to its Java operations
// sequence.idl
// Sequence example - Weather Service
module Module4{ 
  // Bounded sequence of 7 strings
The IDL interface using bounded and unbounded sequences is mapped to its Java operations interface using corresponding Java Arrays.

2) The operation returning the bounded sequence is mapped to a method returning the corresponding array type
The operation returning the bounded sequence is mapped to a method returning the corresponding array type

3) The operation returning the unbounded sequence is mapped to a method returning the corresponding array type
package Module4;
public interface WeatherServiceOperations{
 public java.lang.String[] getForecastsForWeek(java.lang.String city);
 public java.lang.String[] getCurrentForecasts(java.lang.String city);
The operation returning the unbounded sequence is mapped to a method returning the corresponding array type