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Project Scope - Exercise Result

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Scope of the Course Project System

  1. We do not keep track of what agency the agents work for. They move around too often, and it really does not affect their relationship with us.
    This statement does help you to define the scope of the course project system.
    Why it does: This is a good example of an explicit statement of what is and is not included in the system. Agents are in. Agencies are out.
  2. We already have a database that is working really well for us. This statement does not help you to define the scope of the course project system.
    Why it does not: Here the users have included a limitation that they will place on your architectural decisions. Hold this thought for the discussion on constraints.
  3. Only the venue manager can set up promotions. This statement does not help you to define the scope of the course project system.
    Why it does not: This statement describes permissions and does not really help you know how much functionality you need to include or exclude from the application. Permissions can typically be changed dynamically even after the application is installed.
  4. The legal department sets up the agent contracts in its system.
    This statement does help you to define the scope of the course project system.
    Why it does: The users are explicitly telling you that this function is performed outside of the project in another department.
    You might need access to the contracts that they created in order to understand the commission rates, but you do not need to support setting up the agents' contracts.
  5. Mailing rates and methods are handled in the mail room. This statement does help you to define the scope of the course project system.
    Why it does: Again the users have informed you of a closely related function and have assigned it to another area, outside of your scope.
  6. Tickets will include the seat location, price, applied discount, and date and time of the event.
    This statement does not help you to define the scope of the course project system. Why it does not: This statement is really a definition of the data requirements for the Ticket object. You will need this in the problem analysis phase when you are defining the Ticket class.
  7. We would like eventually to offer season tickets, but we should wait until we have the rest of the system working.
    This statement does help you to define the scope of the course project system.
    Why it does: Here you have a feature that the users want but is being placed in the scope of a later project.
  8. When agents sell the tickets, they will basically use the same features as customers would use. The only difference is in what seats they see as available for sale.
    This statement does not help you to define the scope of the course project system.
    Why it does not: This description helps you understand how the users want the application to work, not what should or should not be included.
  9. Events can be set up without entering any of the performance dates and times.
    This statement does not help you to define the scope of the course project system.
    Why it does not: Again the users are telling you how they want the application to work, that is, the creation dependencies of two kinds of objects. You will use this information during object modeling in problem analysis.
  10. In phase 2, we plan to let agents see their commissions during each sale. This statement does help you to define the scope of the course project system.
    Why it does: This statement explicitly assigns a feature to a later phase.

Define the Scope of a "Project System"

To define the scope of a "project system" as one of the phases in the Project Life Cycle, consider the following user statements:
  1. It's been a decade long project for me and in some ways I expect it to continue for the rest of my life.
    This statement emphasizes the long-term nature of a project system, suggesting that it may have an extended life cycle and continuous development or maintenance.
  2. I need a very minimal subset of functionality. The goal of my work would be explicitly for my use case and it'd be maintained with as many maintainers as my use case. This statement highlights the importance of defining a clear scope for a project system, focusing on essential functionalities and tailoring the project to specific use cases.
  3. That is a fact I was not aware of, but is critical for its health. Although not directly related to defining the scope, this statement emphasizes the importance of considering the long-term health and sustainability of a project system, which can be influenced by its scope.
  4. What Is The Project Life Cycle: The 5 Phases Explained "The project life cycle is the order of processes and phases in projects. It includes the steps 1) initiation, 2) planning, 3) executing, 4) monitoring, 5) controlling, and 6) closing." This statement provides a general framework for understanding the phases of a project life cycle, which can help in defining the scope of a "project system" within that context.
  5. What Is Project Scope: Ultimate Guide and Step-By-Step Process "Project scope is the definition of a project's objectives and deliverables. It basically defines what will be done in order to complete the project successfully." This statement highlights the importance of defining a clear scope for a project system, which includes objectives, deliverables, and a clear understanding of what is required to complete the project successfully.

By considering these user statements, you can better define the scope of a "project system" as one of the phases in the Project Life Cycle, focusing on long-term sustainability, essential functionalities, and a clear understanding of objectives and deliverables.