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Include, Extend, and Generalize - Quiz

Each question is worth one point. Select the best answer or answers for each question.

1. How is the Include stereotype used?
Please select the best answer.
  A. To isolate optional logic to reduce the complexity of the use case narrative
  B. To define specialized forms of actors or use cases
  C. To isolate redundant events flows shared by multiple use cases
  D. To isolate an exception flow of events from a main flow of events

2. How is the Extend stereotype used?
Please select the best answer.
  A. To isolate optional logic to reduce the complexity of the use case narrative
  B. To define specialized forms of actors or use cases
  C. To isolate redundant events flows shared by multiple use cases
  D. To isolate an exception flow of events from a main flow of events

3. How is generalization used?
Please select the best answer.
  A. To isolate optional logic to reduce the complexity of the use case narrative
  B. To define specialized forms of actors or use cases
  C. To isolate redundant events flows shared by multiple use cases
  D. To isolate an exception flow of events from a main flow of events

4. What notation is used with the Include stereotype?
Please select the best answer.
  A. A line with the word include in << >>, drawn from (not between) the main use case and the use case that is included
  B. A dashed line with the word include in <<>>, drawn from (not between) the main use case and the use case that is included
  C. A dashed arrow with the word include in <<>>, drawn from the use case that is included to the main use case
  D. A dashed arrow with the word include in <<>>, drawn from the main use case to the use case that is included

5. What notation is used with the Extend stereotype?
Please select the best answer.
  A. A dashed arrow with the word extend in <<>>, drawn from the main use case to the use case that extends the functionality
  B. A dashed line with the word extend in <<>>, drawn between the use case that extends the functionality to the main use case
  C. A dashed arrow with the word extend in <<>>, drawn from the use case that extends the functionality to the main use case
  D. A line with the word extend in << >>, drawn between the main use case and the use case that is extended

6. What elements of a use case diagram may be generalized?
Please select the best answer.
  A. Use cases, actors, and associations
  B. Use cases and actors
  C. Use cases only
  D. Dependencies such as Include and Extend

7. What notation is used with generalization?
Please select the best answer.
  A. A solid line connecting the general and specialized elements
  B. A solid line and triangle connecting the general and specialized elements
  C. A dashed arrow connecting the general to the specialized elements
  D. A dashed line connecting the general and specialized elements

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