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Difference between Use Case Narrative and Extended Use Case Narrative

A use case narrative and an extended use case narrative are both methods of documenting use cases, but they differ in the level of detail they provide. A use case narrative is a high-level description of a use case that outlines the steps involved in achieving a specific goal. It is typically written in a narrative or story-like format and provides a broad overview of the use case's main flow. The narrative is usually short, concise, and easy to understand, making it suitable for a wide range of audiences.
An extended use case narrative, on the other hand, provides a more detailed description of a use case. It goes beyond the high-level overview provided by a use case narrative and includes additional information about the use case's actors, preconditions, postconditions, and exceptions. It may also include more detailed descriptions of each step in the use case flow, as well as any alternative flows or variations. The extended use case narrative is typically written by analysts or developers who need a more comprehensive understanding of the use case and its requirements. It is more technical in nature, and may include diagrams, tables, or other visual aids to help illustrate the use case flow and its various components.
In summary, the main difference between a use case narrative and an extended use case narrative is the level of detail they provide. A use case narrative is a high-level overview of a use case, while an extended use case narrative provides a more detailed description of the use case and its various components.

Extended use case narrative

1) Start with our earlier example and add the new narrative elements.
1. Start with our earlier example and add the new narrative elements. Please note that we have left out the exception flows simply to conserve space in the example, not because they are needed.
Use Case Name: Deposit Funds

2) Add the assumptions, conditions that must be tested outside of this use case and before this use case may be executed.
2. Add the assumptions, conditions that must be tested outside of this use case and before this use case may be executed.

3) Add the pre-conditions, conditions that are tested by this use case
3. Add the pre-conditions, conditions that are tested by this use case that must prove true before the use case will proceed with the dialog.

4) Add the post-conditions, condition that are tested by this use case
4. Add the post-conditions, condition that are tested by this use case and that must prove true before the use-case relinquishes control back to the system.