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Includes Stereotype in UML

The 'Includes' stereotype is used in Unified Modeling Language (UML) to represent a relationship between use cases where one use case includes the functionality of another use case. In UML notation, the 'includes' stereotype is depicted as a dashed arrow with the '«include»' label pointing from the including use case to the included use case. This means that the included use case is a part of the including use case and cannot be performed without the including use case.
The 'includes' stereotype is often used when there is a common sequence of steps that occur in multiple use cases. By extracting these common steps into a separate use case, they can be reused in multiple use cases, reducing duplication of effort and improving maintainability. For example, consider a use case for making a payment that includes the use case for verifying payment information. The 'includes' stereotype would be used to indicate that the 'verify payment information' use case is included in the 'make a payment' use case. This means that the steps for verifying payment information are necessary for the 'make a payment' use case to be completed successfully.

1) Original use case for the automated banking
1) Original use case for the automated banking include basic functions of deposit, withdraw and inquire. Each function requires a connectino with the bank to complete the transaction. The process is identical for each use case.

2) Separate out the shared flow of events
2) Separate out the shared flow of events and create a new use case called Contact Bank.

3) Add a dependency arrow from Withdraw Funds
3) Add a dependency arrow from Withdraw Funds to Contact Bank. 2. Labvfel the dependency arrow with the <<include>> stereotype.

4) Add a dependency arrow from Deposit Funds
4) Add a dependency arrow from Deposit Funds

5) Add a dependency arrow from inquire on Account
5) Add a dependency arrow from inquire on Account