Project Cycle
System Design
Domain Partitioning
System Object Design
Analysis Design
Review Project Life Cycle
Transition Analysis Design
Analysis Work Products
Two-Step Design
Process Phase Conclusion
Architectural Analysis
Partitioning Analysis Model
Partitioning Process Goal
Partitioning Design Conclusion
Domain Partitioning
Domain Partitioning Resources
Package Modeling Purpose
Three Step Domain Partitioning Process
Partitioning based On Use Cases
Define Dependencies between Partitions
Domain Partitioning Conclusion
Architectural Partitioning
Design Strategies
Two-Tier Architecture
Three Tier Architecture
Partitioning Architecture ntier
Additional ntier Architectures
Deployment Diagram
Architectural Analysis Conclusion
Object Design
Object Design Tools
Statechart Diagram
Review Statechart Notation
State Design Pattern
State Behavior Conclusion
Statechart to Object Design - Quiz
UML Dependency Associations
See the Event Management subsystem and the Facilities Management subsystem. There are three associations between them to examine.
Find sequence or collaboration diagrams that show the associated objects communicating with one another. Here we have 2 sequence diagrams that contain the associated objects. For simplicity's sake I have combined them into one diagram with notes on the side.
Determine the direction of the communication between the two objects in question.
Update the package diagram to indicate the direction of the dependency.
This association is simply an object reference held within the EventFloorPlan. The presence or absence of a link indicates the current status of the Seat